• Clinical Supervision

    Clinical Supervision

    Supervision Approach and Training

    I have training and experience in both individual and group counseling. This training and experience include clients in age ranges from adolescents to adulthood. I am trained in general mental health counseling; though specialize in work with Addictions. I have over 10 years of clinical experience working in a variety of domains including inpatient rehabilitation, intensive in-home, and outpatient settings.

    My training in supervision includes coursework and supervised supervision in my doctoral program as well as prior clinical and administrative supervisory experience within both inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation settings. My clinical supervision has also been supervised by a board approved supervisor within my doctoral studies.
    I also completed the North Carolina NASW Clinical Supervision Institution in June 2020.

    Nature of Supervision

    I approach supervision from a collaborative framework. The general areas that receive attention in supervision include the supervisee’s professional behaviors, counseling skills, personal awareness, and client/case conceptualization. Supervisory roles I assume can include teacher, evaluator, consultant, and/or counselor. I follow an Integrated Developmental Model to supervision primarily focusing on the motivation, autonomy, and self-other awareness of the supervisee based on their level of development.

    I approach the issue of evaluation as a fundamental component of supervision. I believe that evaluation is an ongoing process that is strongly connected to the care for the client, as well as the goals of the supervisee. All evaluation criteria are introduced at the onset of the supervisory relationship, serve as training objectives, and are used throughout the process as a basis for ongoing feedback. Also, all supervisees will be given the opportunity to evaluate my performance as their supervisor.